Holiday camps and 3v3
Join FHA for our Holiday camp and 3v3 Series. Each camp will be a 1 hour skills session followed by a 1 hour 3v3 cross ice game. When checking out, players will be able to choose their team they want to play on in order for friends or teammates to play together on the same team.
Doing 3 or more of the camps and clinics below?
Email for a discount code to receive 15% off 3 or more.
FHA ID Skate & 3v3
December 28th
Birth Years- 2017•2016•2015•2014
8:45-9:45am- Skills
10:00-11:00am 3v3
Birth Years•2013•2012•2011•2010
11:15-12:15pm Skills
12:30-1:30pm 3v3
December 29th
Birth Years•2013•2012•2011•2010
Birth Years- 2017•2016•2015•2014
•8U- 2016 to 2018 birth years
•10U- 2014 and 2015 birth years
•12U/14U- 2010 through 2013 birth years. For this division we will do our best to keep peewee's playing together and Bantams playing together.
Thanksgiving Camp
November 27th
9:30 to 11:45am
North Olmsted Ice rink
Christmas Camp
December 23rd
9:30 to 11:45am
North Olmsted Ice rink
Christmas Skills Session
December 27th
7-8pm at Mentor Ice rink.
FHA ID Skate and 3v3 series
December 28th & 29th
Mentor ice rink. Times vary per birth year.
New Years Day Camp
January 1st
9-11:15am at the Pond
Thanksgiving camp, Christmas camp, FHA ID skate and New Years Camp.
The first hour will be a station based skills session. We will take a 15 min break for an ice cut and resume the second hour with cross ice 3v3. 8U will play in the Neutral Zone while 10U, 12U and 14U will play in both ends from Blue line in.
Shift length: 90 seconds and buzzer sounds.
Penalty's: Will result in a penalty shot.
Absolutely no hitting even in the 12U and 14U divisions.
FHA jerseys will be loaned out for camp and collected once camp is over with. If you choose to purchase a jersey, you may do so at checkout for $15.00
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We are not currently accepting registrations for this program.